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Here are some suggestions for your first post.

  1. You can find new ideas for what to blog about by reading the Daily Post.
  2. Add PressThis to your browser. It creates a new blog post for you about any interesting  page you read on the web.
  3. Make some changes to this page, and then hit preview on the right. You can always preview any post or edit it before you share it to the world.

Checking the site for broken hyperlinks can be a very time intensive chore. The time as a web developer is better spent on other things. That’s precisely why there’s InSite from Inspyder. This easy to use tool is exceptional at identifying broken links and spelling mistakes. InSite is easy to use but enterprise strength, and so it can handle even the biggest sites.

To use InSite is easy. We just put in the URL of the website and click the go. InSite crawls your website page by page searching for broken links, spelling errors and more. It’s amazing just how much time I was able to protect by using this tool, and how many embarrassing errors it saved me personally from making. On multiple event InSite found a couple broken links I may not have otherwise found (they had been really buried).

Finding as well as fixing broken links does more than just help your own visitors. Google uses broken hyperlinks on your website as one of the quality indicators. More broken links means a disused or perhaps unmaintained website. This tells Google that the website is of low top quality and can hurt your look ranking. If your spending good time as well as income on SEO, then finding and fixing the broken hyperlinks on your website ought to be on your own TO-DO list.

Broken links is much more than just checking the hyperlinks on your site. It additionally involves searching for bad style sheet references, missing images, etc. InSite can do it all (it’s really cool whenever it finds a broken link in a style sheet. I was really amazed the first time I saw this).

Download a free trial for yourself and give it a try. InSite is an amazing tool that you will wonder how you lived without having it.

How to Detect 404 – File Not Found Errors